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Yoga for Anti-Aging :Part 1

Dr Surakshit Goswami talks about various asanas (postures) that help slow down the aging process. The question he answers in this set of related asanas is a simple one…Can we stop aging?? Or may be simpler…How do we age??

The solution is easy and handy, and he himself sets an example of what this Yoga can do. The attached video demonstrates two such anti-aging asanas: Nabhyasan and Sethubandanasan.

However complicated the names may seem, the asanas are easy and demand JUST 15 mins from your daily routine.

Benefits of Nabhyasan :

(1) Belly Reduction :It srengthens your heart and core muscles, reduces obesity and the waistline
(2) It helps digestion, improves blood circulations and thereby helps in detoxification of the body.

Caution : Avoid this asana if you suffer from hernia or pain in lower back and waist.

(You can also buy the whole series at )


Anti Aging Yoga: Part 1

Benefits of Sethubandasan:

(1) Menstrual and Urinary Problems :It is beneficial in urinary and gynaecological disorders
(2) It improves digestion and helps to keep the heart lungs and thyroid glands healthy.

This is extremely beneficial for those who are suffering from lower back pain. strengthens the muscles, supporting the knees thigh stomach and the waist

Don’t age so quickly! Yoga is a trade off for medicines, beauty treatments etc. You can look the most attractive in even your simplest attire. Decide for yourself!

(You can also buy the whole series at )